Category Archives: Celebrities

Why We Love These Movies: Bill Murray

A beloved comic genius
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Why We Love These Movies: Mel Gibson

There’s a Mel to the madness Read the rest of this entry

Why We Love These Movies: Robert De Niro

There are few men that can draw the audience’s attention as quickly and as closely as Robert De Niro. Read the rest of this entry

Some of the Most Important Musicians of All Time: Bob Marley

These guys really knew how to carry a tune Read the rest of this entry

Broken Benjamin


It looks like the end for the Pennsylvania alternative rock band Breaking Benjamin. Read the rest of this entry

I Love the 00’s: Steve Irwin

In the style of VH1’s “I love the…” series, I have to decided to make my own continuation set in the new millenium’s past decade. Starting off in no particular order is wildlife enthusiast’s finest Steve Irwin. Read the rest of this entry

Death of a Wine House

Does her death come as a surprise to anyone? Not to disrespect the significance of dying but I’m pretty sure everyone saw this coming. Reports state that   before her passing she was wobbling on stage during her tour and drunkenly shouting out support for a young teen protegé. It is sad to see such self-destruction (pardon the alliteration) because it can be so easily avoided by keeping a clear head. It never ceases to amaze me how people who are given such promise and wealth throw their lives away while were here just happy to be alive.

Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler,
and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
                                                                            —Proverbs 20:1